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A Tale of Wild Geese


The year was 1940 and the skies above Britain were about to become a war zone. Eleanor Davies was turning twenty and a barmaid in the Lark. She was just figuring out where she belonged, not looking to fall in love and join the Women’s Land Army.
Johnny Reilly was her cousin and wore the glamour of a Spitfire pilot with brogue and swagger.

Johnny’s life had always been a spiral around hers. He'd bring her flowers, or a seashell if it caught his eye. Then he brought her his young American wingman and all their lives changed forever…
Danny O'Neal wasn't supposed to be in the RAF, it violated his country's neutrality agreements. His whole life had been a war for survival and he was in England to fly and find a worthwhile cause. Meeting a girl hadn't been in the plans. He wasn't supposed to be falling in love.
It's a tale of Wild Geese blowing before the winds of war, brotherhood, coming of age and falling in love, mending broken wings.

It's dreaming of white roses and a home under a peaceful sky, while the world is falling apart.

It's an epic tale of 'The Few' who defended the skies, a Land Girl with her eyes on the sky, counting the planes as they return.

It’s a story of finding wings and a place in the world where love can grow up.

It spans across the war and different continents, a love story that left all of them changed forever.


Where can I purchase A Tale of Wild Geese?

You can contact me directly at for a signed copy or purchase the Kindle version at

What an amazing job you've done Rosa. The research that must have gone into this is unreal. One felt what it would have been like to live through those war years in Britain.

Your passion for the subject and the 'players' is evident in each and every chapter.

The fact that you wrote and published this in a time frame of just six months is unbelievable - did you even sleep then? Well done to Gen too - your enthusiasm for this book is beautiful.

I loved the story, and I loved the pair of Geese. Bring on the next one.

- Shirley Wall Grove, Facebook -


A Tale Of Wild Geese is one of the best books I've read and I've honestly never been a huge fan of reading! This book had me wanting more! I had to limit myself or I'd have stayed up all night to read!

An absolutely beautiful story to follow, it's like you're in the story with everyone. I will definitely be re-reading it! Thank you for your awesome work! Can't wait for more! 

- Tammy Swart, Facebook -

A Tale of Wild Geese is not just any old love story. It's a completely different world that immerses you completely and refuses to let you go.

You'll find yourself listening out for Spitfires with Eleanor, saying "lass" and "aye" because Johnny Reilly has taken up permanent residence in your language faculties and watching the drifting clouds a moment longer, wondering what they looked like from the cockpit of Danny's Spitfire.

This story will turn your heart inside out because you're not just a spectator. You'll love, live and grieve with the three Wild Geese and find yourself wishing for just one more moment on the porch where the white roses grow long after the geese have flown on and the skies know peace again.

- Genevieve Croeser, Facebook -


Best book I read in a long time. Do yourself a favour and read it. Amazing story of love, action and friendship. Bit of everything you need for a awesome read.

- Jolene Breedt, Goodreads -

I just finished this book and I highly recommend. The story is weaved in a way that pulls you in and you become immersed in the characters and their adventures.
And the plot twists, omg, I need some time to recover! I smiled and teared up and sighed and got angry, I felt everything while reading this book. This definitely be a reread! -

- Arini Vlotman, Goodreads -

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